Indispensable Role Of Solar Inverters In Reducing Electricity Bills Of Business & Home

Sun is the biggest source of energy that sustains all living beings on earth. Using solar energy in the form of solar inverter, for powering up life is the best thing one can do to clean and purify energy system on earth. By this, we are doing our bit to save and protect Mother Earth from environmental ills and hazards, simultaneously opening up avenues of getting benefitted a great deal out of it. Undoubtedly, solar power system manifested in form of solar inverter, is of great help in minimizing electricity bills of businesses, industrial sector, homes-boon for consumers who’re feeling pocket pinch due to increased electricity bills owing to power crunch, and are gradually waking up to concept and benevolent aspects of solar power system of which solar inverters are products.

Furthermore, campaigns by government agencies promoting renewable energy usage have been one of the reasons for increased awareness of people about the all-pervasive presence and benefits of solar power system concretizing in shapes of Solar Hybrid Inverter. Government offers subsidies and tax benefits to solar panels enabling more efficient usage of solar energy system. As a result of which, number of solar hybrid inverter manufacturer in India and power inverter manufacturer have grown by leaps and bounds. 

 Considering the advantages of solar power system, one may consider buying Solar Hybrid Inverter or solar off-grid inverter from approved and genuine power inverter manufacturer, or else will run into faulty ones requiring frequent repairs. In this respect, EnerTech, leading solar hybrid inverter manufacturer in India, fits the bill to the T!

Solar Inverters: The Power Backup Money-Saver & Your Ultimate Saviour!

Solar inverter plays an instrumental role in era of sustainable living, eco-friendly means of energy production being considered the need of the hour. Solar inverters, also known as PV, is the device that converts direct current (DC) produced in photovoltaic solar panel into alternative current (AC) that can be used in the grid.  which then converts sunlight into energy, and inverter takes this DC energy transforming it into AC energy used for running electrical and home appliances.

Thus, solar inverters play prime roles in home’s solar power system offering consumers complete peace of mind who’ve been spending sleepless nights over hike in electricity bills owing to power crunch that India is facing right now. Besides homes, solar power systems are equally beneficial for businesses or commercial establishments requiring less resources, reduction in electricity bills for you only pay for deficit power consumed-electricity bills for warehouses representing around 15% of total reduction cost & tariff rates of solar power being cheaper by about 20% than conventional electricity, low maintenance cost, improved energy utilisation, minimization in carbon emission, reduction in dependency on oil, coal, and natural gas for electricity production and turning to solar energy thereby reducing electricity bills expenses, less service disruption due to renewable energy being more stable and evenly distributed than conventional fuel.

Advantages of Solar Inverters & Their Instrumental Roles In Saving Up Electricity Resulting In Reduced Electricity Bills:

Solar inverters made by power inverter manufacturer in India, is eco-friendly having power back up-EnerTech being not an exception, rather miles ahead in terms of its mechanisms and functionalities. However, major advantage of Hybrid Inverter or solar off-grid inverter manufactured by the business giant EnerTech, is that it’s powered by the greatest renewable natural energy source in the universe, the Sun. Henceforth, while using solar-powered inverter, you’re contributing your share to greater cause in fight against greenhouse effect and global warming. Thus, EnerTech’s range of solar inverters save energy and electricity bills due to reduction in electricity costs, where average electricity bills in India estimated to be Rs.6.15 kilowatt per hour presently.

EnerTech’s Solar Hybrid Inverter successfully converts solar energy to electrical energy via photovoltaic cells, that can be used for both homes and commercial establishments that generally operates under an electrical grid. As per studies and surveys, solar inverter is upto 96% energy efficient. To understand energy-savings aspects of EnerTech’s solar inverters, it’s incumbent to take a look at functionalities of normal inverter and how solar inverter has an edge over others.

Normal/Traditional inverter is an electronic device which convers DC to AC, generally used as backup power. Most electronic devices like lights, fans, motor, fridge, work in AC. To put it simply, an inverter is portable AC power, taking DC Voltage from an input terminal of battery. Performance and life of inverter mainly depend upon rechargeable battery connected to it, which needs to be recharged regularly for power backup. 

On the other hand, in EnerTech’s Solar Hybrid Inverter, solar panel plays role of input, providing DC voltage from its photovoltaic cells. Thus, solar inverter makes notable difference to electric consumption and monthly electricity bills which get significantly reduced giving you much-needed relief. Select most appropriate solar inverter with most efficient battery for home and commercial purposes. Price of solar inverters varies depending on types and power capacity from brand to brand.

EnerTech’s Range of Solar Inverters Catering To Consumers’ Requirements:

1 .Solar Hybrid Inverter 1Ph- Range of 5KVA-30KVA, Display of 32-bit DSP based design, Multi modes working SBG/SGB/Export/Batteryless, Power Factor-IGBT rectifier with PF>0.9, Customized MPPT design, Interactive front LCD to do all settings via display, MODBUS control for handshaking, Paralleling option, Remote monitoring using GSM/RS-485.

Solar hybrid Inverter 5Kva

2 .Solar Hybrid Inverter 3Ph- Range of 5KVA-600KVA, Display of 32-bit DSP based design, Multi modes working SBG/SGB/Export/Batteryless, Power Factor-IGBT rectifier with PF>0.9, Customized MPPT design, Interactive front LCD to do all settings via display, MODBUS control for handshaking, Paralleling option, Remote monitoring using GSM/RS-485.

Solar hybrid Inverter 200KVA

3. Solar Off-Grid Inverter-EnerTech’s Solar Off-Grid Inverter constitutes part of off-grid solar system where solar power consumed by you, will automatically get stored in solar battery or solar inverter to be used later on. Solar off-grid inverter is very popular and it comes with power backup, working independently off grid. Fans, Cooler, TV, AC, Water Pump, etc., function through this inverter.

Enertech Online UPS

EnerTech offers Three Types of Solutions:

1. Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)-An Integrated system comprising of MPPT Solar Charger Controller, solar inverter like Solar Hybrid Inverter, solar off-grid inverter, Grid charger for providing facility to charge battery bank either through Solar or Grid, continuously monitors Battery Voltage, Solar Power & output loads. EnerTech’s Solar Hybrid Inverter 1Ph and 3Ph convert solar energy, source of which is Sun, into electrical energy via photovoltaic cells, saving and reducing electricity bills to consumer’s delight.

2. Solar Power Conditioning System (PCS)-Power Conditioning System (PCS) in solar energy refers to collection of electrical equipment transforming direct current (DC) from photovoltaic array of alternating current (AC) or that conditions AC current produced at CSP facilities to match voltage and phase conditions of bulk electricity grid to which solar energy is connected. PCS also involves system monitoring devices and isolation switches that isolate solar energy facility from bulk electricity grid during off-normal conditions.

3. Solar Energy Storage System (ESS)-Energy Storage Systems (ESS) denotes system installed in addition to solar PV and/or wind power capacity, capturing energy produced at one time for use later on. It’s specific kind of power system integrating power grid connection with solar inverter or Hybrid Inverter/Charger, GX device and battery mechanism. Solar ESS stores solar energy into battery during day for later usage when sun stops shinning.

All these ranges of Solar Hybrid Inverter from house of EnerTech help great deal in cutting the cost of electricity bills in home and business establishments through proper utilization of solar energy, by tapping its huge resources in various forms and employing it for consumers’ benefits for future usage, without shelling out extra money for electricity resulting in significant reduction in electricity bills.

Make EnerTech your ‘go-to’ option for all your ‘solar’ essentials! Making inroads in 1989, EnerTech UPS Pvt. Ltd. is India’s No.1 solar hybrid inverter manufacturer in India and power inverter manufacturer. EnerTech is professionally-regulated customer-oriented organization serving more than 30000+ customers serviced over past 30 years. We want to mitigate consumer problems and challenges such as power blackouts, electricity shortage & crisis, hike in electricity bills via latest technologies by offering cost-effective and reliable power solutions through our bevy of solar and power products like Solar Hybrid Inverter, solar off-grid inverter, Industrial Inverter, Industrial UPS certified from TUV, UL lab & NISE labs approved under MNRE policy. With our products exported to Saudi, Dubai, Philippines, Zambia, Singapore, Uganda, Lebanon, Tanzania, Yemen, Nigeria and many countries, we raise expectation meters high. Pass the baton to EnerTech and we take care of the rest!