Solar Hybrid Inverter

How Do Solar Hybrid System Play a Vital Role in the Rainy Season?

Overcast conditions during the monsoons surely affect the efficiency of solar panels. This is because the solar panels don’t receive as much sunshine these days. As a result, they produce less energy during the wet season. However, that doesn’t refer to fully depending on the grid during the rainy months! In regions where the grid isn’t as reliable, it isn’t possible either! In such situations, installing a hybrid solar systems can help you cope with your energy needs. Wondering how?  EnerTech, one of the leading solar hybrid inverter supplier in India, explores the role of its solar hybrid system during monsoons.

What is Solar Hybrid System?

A solar hybrid inverter works like a solar inverter but has additional energy management, involving battery storage and the grid. hybrid solar systems primarily work by converting Direct Current (DC) electricity that solar panels generate into Alternating Current (AC) electricity. Besides, these inverters manage multiple power sources, including solar panels, battery storage, and the grid.

While the above may seem normal, what makes solar hybrid system a standout is their ability to manage battery storage systems. These inverters can direct excess energy produced by the solar panels to charge the batteries.

Thus, when solar energy is insufficient (like at night or on cloudy days), the hybrid inverter can derive energy from the batteries. However, if the batteries are depleted, the inverter can switch to the grid for power, ensuring a continuous power supply.

Furthermore, hybrid inverters can export additional solar energy to the grid, enabling you to benefit from net metering or feed-in tariffs, based on your location. Additionally, these inverters can import power from the grid during high energy demand spells or low solar energy production.

5 Ways the Best Hybrid Solar Inverter in India Plays a Crucial Role in Monsoons!

Harnessing the power of solar energy could be a challenge during the wet spell. However, EnerTech’s best solar hybrid inverter makes life much easier. Here’s how.

Energy Source Management

Although relatively low, solar panels generate some energy even during overcast conditions. A solar hybrid system can manage the differing input and convert it into AC power. When solar power energy isn’t adequate, the hybrid inverter can switch to the regular grid electricity to ensure an uninterrupted power supply. Furthermore, EnerTech’s hybrid inverters are connected to a battery storage. So, during rainy days when solar production is low, the inverters draw power from the stored energy in the battery, ensuring a consistent energy supply.

Optimal Battery Use

When the sunlight is low, and during low-demand hours, the inverter can optimize battery charging by using grid power, ensuring fully charged batteries are ready for use when needed. Additionally, the inverter manages battery discharge, ensuring efficient use, particularly useful during low solar energy production.

Auto-Switching Mechanism

Uninterrupted energy supply is critical, particularly across industrial setups. A hybrid inverter can ensure that by automatically switching between battery storage, solar power, and grid power, based on availability and demand. It also proves useful during the rainy season when sunlight availability is minimal.

Backup Energy Supply

In India, many regions receive torrential rainfall for several days, resulting in lengthy power outages. Solar hybrid systems can prove useful in situations like these by providing an essential backup power supply. Thus, installing one in your solar power ecosystem can help you run routine appliances and live life much more comfortably.

Reduced Energy Costs

Lowered energy cost is a significant advantage, although not connected with monsoons. It is a perpetual benefit that users of solar hybrid systems can avail over a period. How? Hybrid inverters manage energy flows intelligently, ensuring energy efficiency. They prioritize solar energy and stored battery energy, curtailing overall electricity bills, even when the solar production is suboptimal or low.

Transforming India’s Solar Energy Landscape with EnerTech’s 1-Phase and 3-Phase Hybrid Solar Inverter!

Continuous and consistent energy supply is still a serious concern in many parts of India. Solar power is driving a paradigm shift. However, the ecosystem needs supporting elements, to make it even more efficient and reliable.

EnerTech’s is solar hybrid inverter manufacturers India with Solar Hybrid Inverter 1Ph: SunMagic and Solar Hybrid Inverter 3Ph: REeFI are exemplary products in this regard.

Backed by extensive research and designed thoughtfully by some of the industry’s best brains, these hybrid solar systems are driving a positive change across the country’s energy realm. These products pack numerous features, making them suitable for industrial as well as residential applications. Email us at to know our best solar hybrid inverter price with solar battery charging.


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