Hybrid Solar Inverter System

Grid-Independent Hybrid Solar Inverter System: A Key to Reducing Electricity Bills

Are you worried about your rising electricity bills and need a solution to curb them? Installing a solar energy system has helped you make energy self-sufficient to some extent. However, you still depend on the grid to a certain extent, particularly during spells of low solar energy generation. You’ve been generating some amount of energy. But how about managing your electricity independently of the utility grid? Let’s see how hybrid solar inverter system works!

Off-Grid Inverter – The Answer!

Off-grid solar inverters are power inverters used in off-grid solar power systems to convert direct current (DC) the solar panels generate or store in batteries into alternating current (AC). These inverters are designed for systems not connected to the public electricity grid. Hence, they serve as a much more reliable source of energy in remote areas, where grid power supply isn’t reliable or unavailable.

These include features like load management, enabling the system to prioritize essential loads during limited power supply. However, while making power supply more reliable, off grid solar inverter also help reduce electricity costs. Here’s how.

5 Ways Hybrid Solar Inverter System Help Lower Electricity Bills

Fundamentally, off-grid inverters are designed to help you become grid-independent. Here’s how it works.

1. Generating Your Own Electricity

Solar inverter off grid usually work with solar panels and battery storage systems. Generating and managing your own electricity through solar panels eliminates the need to buy electricity from the grid. It helps reduce the dependency on the grid and bring a significant reduction in your energy bills in the long run.

2. Preventing Peak Time Costs

Electricity costs soar high during peak demand hours. A grid-independent inverter system helps you store solar energy during these peak times, keeping the higher rates at bay and reduce the electricity bill.

3. Using Stored Electricity

An off-grid inverter uses energy generated by the solar panels and stored in the batteries to power loads. It disconnects you from the grid. Thus, while producing your own electricity, you use the excess energy stored by the system. So, you don’t depend on the grid and thus don’t have to pay for the electricity it provides.

4. Backup Power

Outages are still a common occurrence in India. Many regions observe electricity cuts for several hours throughout the day. Although the situation is changing, a lot needs to be done. Grid-independent inverters can work wonders during outages. These ensure that you don’t have to rely on expensive backup generators or depend on alternative power sources and pay them during grid failures.

5. Net Zero Energy Use

Many of you must have heard about the concept of net zero energy use. However, for those unversed, it refers to generating the amount of energy required or more than what is needed and achieving net zero energy usage. Doing so helps reduce the electricity bills and over a period, bring it down to zero.

Making Electricity More Affordable with EnerTech’s Off-Grid Inverter!

Amidst the rising demand, electricity, as a resource, will only become more expensive. Coping with the contemporary needs and balancing costs requires you to think differently. EnerTech, one of India’s leading manufacturers of off-grid solar inverters, is one of the handful of companies that have done it.

We are a company that serves society with the holistic purpose of revolutionizing the global energy horizon through the use of solar power. Our product EnerTech SunMagic, is a premium off grid solar inverter, trusted by thousands in India and abroad. Loaded with numerous features, EnerTech SunMagic helps reduce grid-dependence and control electricity costs. Want to know more off grid solar inverter price? Explore EnerTech SunMagic or email us at sales@enertechups.com.